Wednesday, March 22, 2006

There are a couple things I've been told we have to rememeber to bring to Dominican. Just to make sure that nobody is forgetting these things I'll post them.

1)I believe there is a $10 tax entering the country and a $20 tax leaving. Don't forget it or you won't be able to leave (which would be pretty sweet too). Also there are extra activites such as waterfall climbing, parasailing and off roading that cost extra cash so if you're interested in doing these things remember the bling.

2) Since one of out dinners is a 'a la carte' dinner, you need to bring 1 decent pair of clothing. Someone will have to bring 2 because Steve will probably forget.

3)I know Chris posted something on travel insurance. I think it's important that you get this because you're paying $1200 for a trip and if you don't get $30 insurance and you get sick and have to pay hundreds for a dominican doctor it would be two wheat (aka WEAK).

4) Bring a passport, makes live easier..

If there is anything this post is forgetting please reply!



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